den Tag bereichern / enrich the day

Es ist eine Freude...selbstgebackenes Brot. Etwas so Ursprüngliches!

Wollt ihr es mal versuchen:
600g gemahlener Dinkel
450ml Wasser
1 Päckchen Trockenhefe
1,5 TL Salz
eigentlich geht es nur darum, den Teig lange und genussvoll zu kneten.
Seit ich das begriffen habe, wird auch das Brot was.
Hier geht es nur mit dem Knethaken, denn der Teig muss sehr weich sein, damit das Brot am End nicht zu fest wird.
Zwischen dem Kneten ( drei mal) gehen lassen und am Ende in der Kastenform noch einmal gehen lassen.
Im vorgeheizten Ofen 10 min bei 220°, danach 50 min bei 200° ungefähr je nach Ofen.

Viel Spaß!

It's a joy....self-made bread. Something so natural!

Do you want to try:
600g ground spelt( or wheat)
450ml water
1package of dried yeast
1,5 tablespoons of salt
the main trick is to knead the dough long and passionated.
Since I realized that, it works...
You have to do it with dough-hooks here, because the dough has to be very soft, otherwise the bread would get too dry at the end.
Let the dough rize between the kneading ( three times) and at the end let it rise again in a loaf pan.
Bake it, in the preheated oven: 10 min at 220°C and then 50 min at 200°C...depends on your oven.

Es ist eine Freude, den Bienen beim Schwärmen zuzusehen. Mittendrin zu stehen im Brummen und Sausen. Zu beobachten, wie sie sich nach einiger Zeit auf einem nahegelegenen Baum niederlassen....und sie von dort wieder abzupflücken.
It's a joy to see how the bees are swarming. To stand in the middle of all this buzzing and humming. To watch, how, after a while, they settle on a nearby tree....and to pick them up there again.



mansuetude hat gesagt…

THis is my new favorite word, Joy.

i think i will make my husband bake your bread! Thank you.

hope you are Joyfull!
julie hat gesagt…
that bread looks yummy - unfortunately i dont think i have the patience.

those bees - i like your pictorial translation of the swarming scene. xx
jo horswill hat gesagt…
Hi Uschi...
I could smell bread baking so I thought I would drop in :)
Bee's, thousands of bee's. Are they wild?
My father keeps bee's...I just love it when he harvests the's pure, organic, liquid bliss.
This post is truly a joy.
Ursula Achten hat gesagt…
...and, please mansuetude, you'll "make me know", how you'll find the bread. Toda I joyfully ordered 25kg of spelt :))

...oh Julie it's so amazing to sit among those bees which are totally absorbed with themselves and their determination

ah, Jo, I thought it would work...the smell-net-thing. The bees are ours, so you wouldn't consider them being "wild", but I believe bees always will stay wild. As a beekeeper you just have the honour to watch them and sometimes help them a bit...and often learn from them!
Bliss! Yess!
babelfish hat gesagt…
The bees photo is amazing!