Helm auf'm Kopf / helmet head
...ein bißchen so, wie der arme Kerl (eingekleidet für einen Umzug) fühl ich mich im Augenblick...mein Kopf ist dicht...und die Ohren auch...aber es wird schon besser!!
Bis demnächst!
...I feel a bit like this poor guy (dressed for a house-move) at the moment...head is thick, ears too...but it's already getting better!!
Until soon!
Werde schnell wieder gesund.
Hows the head Uschi? hope your feeling OK...clearer.
that images made me laugh, it is so funny, so squished in... thanks for the smile.
After all it wasn't MY housemove, I made the shot of the helmeted Buddha two years ago...but it showed a lot how I felt.
Currently no "visions" at all and on the other hand I had the feeling that this was/ I was ridiculous...
I feel much lighter now...listened to a brilliant leture on Zen-meditation some days ago and thought: oh yes!, you already new a lot of this...!!!
Martine and Astrid...I know that you understood this...
Astrid thank you for the award.
It's a needfull thought for me at the moment: what isnspires me??
I'll come to it soon!