und nun....wie schaffst du es, dass sie lebendig aussehen, fragte mein Lieblingskritiker. Ich weiß es noch nicht....einfach weiter üben!
and now...how will you manage that they look vivid, my most loved critic asked. I don't know yet...
just practicing on!
dieses mag ich sehr / I like this one a lot
Der mann gefällt mir am besten. Der erzählt eine geheimnisvolle geschichte.
So here is my gift to you 4 who already commented here:
Tell me the story of this man..or the story he tells..and you will receive something unexpected from me!
Dou you want to play with me??
Once upon a time............there was this old man, lets call him Methusalem. He could not work anymore because his bones where fragile and his muscles weak. But his brains........... oh girls, the older he got, the better his brains. So he made up this story for Uschi. He wanted her to have a whole new career. A career not only of painting/drawing and making beautiful stuf, but also playing games online with the nicest people on the web, because he thought that would make her happy. So.......... Methusalem took a piece of paper and pencil and got to work. As you can see in his smiling eyes, it's the nicest story ever told.
is the man a rabbi?
he looks VERY scholarly!
thank you for the birthday wishes!!!
Thanks for playing with me....your stories are so nice!! So give me 2 or three weeks and the little game will continue in your post-box ;))
Tine, ( who told me that she is absorbed with being pregnant at the moment): I can remember so well the
may stories I invented around my unborn twins...how it would be to have children...being not alone any more from then on....and....life beats everything!!
Risa, yes, he's a rabbi!!
Have the most beautiful day you all!!