Happy Blues
OH JA!! Das sind die aller-allerbesten Geschenke, Gegenstände, die eigentlich für ganz "unkreative" Sachen gedacht sind und die man umverwandeln kann...für alles mögliche. Und so viel davon.
In meinem Geist schwirrt schon seit langem Schmuck mit Teilen aus dem Baumarkt, aus dem Supermarkt, aus irgendetwas altem ( ausgelatschter Schuh??), aus etwas gefundenem....
Und dafür, was da alles so schwirrt, kommt im Augenblick ganz schön wenig heraus. Irgendwo steckt es fest und so zeig ich euch einstweilen nur den Kleinkram.
Übrigens sind das Passeinsätze für Sicherungen ( nicht mehr ganz so aktuelle) und aus denen und ein paar böhmischen Glasperlen, die ich aus einem Lädchen in Berlin mitgebracht habe, hab ich mir ganz fluggs gestern eine Kette gezaubert.
Damit mal wieder was herauskommt ;))
Do you know, what that is above? I didn't know it, when a friend stood in front of me, with a bag full of these "thingemies" and asked, if I could use them for something.
OH YESS!! Those are the very very best presents, things which are firstly made for something totally not creative and which you can use for a million possibilities. And so many of them!!
Already since a while my mind is filled with jewellery made from parts of the diy-shop, or from the supermarket,from something old ( a worn-out shoe??), from something found....
And for all the stuff IN my mind, there's very few coming OUT at the moment.Somewhere it's sticking and so I only show you the small stuff.
Oh, and these pieces are sleeve sockets for safety fuses ( I had to look that up, am not sure if it's the right word) and together with some glass-beads from Bohemia I bought in a small shop in Berlin I made a "quick"collier yesterday.
So something came out ;))
Thanks for your long nice comment to my older-people-post. And I think like you that you may find someone to care about. Someone else may find my parents when they get older for example and care for them if I live too far from them. Interresting thought; that point-system sed in Japan...
Love to you!
what a lovely second life
what a wonderful idea- very cool.
Rini - the Netherlands