Licht / light

(ein Teil der Decke des Aachener Doms a part of the ceiling in the Cathedral of Aachen)

Glückskekse gab's zu Beginn des neuen Jahres und Nico hatte den wunderbarsten Satz in seinem:
"Auch wenn ich nur Staub des Universums bin, so sind aus dem gleichen Stoff doch auch die Sterne gemacht"

At the beginning of the New Year, we had some fortune cookies and Nico had the most wonderful sentence in his:
"Even if I'm only dust of the Universe, the stars are made of the same material"

Wie schön! Ein neues Jahr und neue Wege...ich freu mich drauf!
How beautiful! A New Year and new ways...I'm looking forward!


jude hat gesagt…
new year to you!
Olga hat gesagt…
Uschi!!!! Sehr schön that you are zürück! (Nice title for our first posts!) You sound excited about the new year. This is the first time I think that I haven´t contemplated at all about it. January first didn´t feel any more first than the rest of the days...
julie hat gesagt…
Hello Uschi, welcome back my friend. I hope your trip was wonderful and the beginning of a fabulous year.

Hugs, julie xxx
Babelfish hat gesagt…
Happy belated new year, that statement is so poetic and lovely, may we all look at the world with new creative eyes and appreciate everything around us more.
Cally hat gesagt…
Happy New Year Uschi x
Anonym hat gesagt…
hi friend!
happy new year!
i missed you. :)
tiel hat gesagt…
hello and aren't fortune cookies great!
mansuetude hat gesagt…
love the inlaid pattern of that street... happy new year, happy day, happy moment... they all mean happy life...don't they?
Ursula Achten hat gesagt…
Thank you all so much my friends,
I'm really really HAPPY at the moment!!!
Sending this into all directions!!!