...träumt vom Meer.. /...is dreaming of the ocean..

...und von Wind!
...and of wind!


Anonym hat gesagt…
Fabulous, these pieces are so unique. I love the ocean, and the blue :)
Catalina hat gesagt…
Beuatiful!!!! Love the colours as well
Anonym hat gesagt…
Dear Uschi,

I think I was dreaming of you a very long time ago, and that you had a big room, very high ceelig. It was green. Lots of sunlight flooding through...

These two arful pieces would have fit in that enviroment very well.
Di hat gesagt…
These are beautiful! I love the sea piece with the sea swept glass particularly. The colour is fantastic!
Anonym hat gesagt…
Anonym hat gesagt…
lovely! you have such a knack for these things!
Ursula Achten hat gesagt…
oh thanks a lot!! These are two older pieces, both gone and sold!
I love sea-glass! Imagining, that those are old wine-bottles they express the character of an ocean so well.Would love to be there now, but "buhuhh!" holiday is cancelled due to too much work (poor husband!)