Schnappschüsse Teil1 / snapshots part 1

Bevor es hier mit Papier weitergeht, hab ich ein paar Urlaubsschnappschüsse für euch:
Before coming back to paper-work, I've got some holiday-snapshots for you:

Die Stadt im Dunst / the misty city

Altes in der wunderschönen kleinen Stadt Zons
old remains in the beautiful city of Zons


Anonym hat gesagt…
agggghhhh Europe, so many wonderful and old sites to see.
Ursula Achten hat gesagt…
Tiel, the "Ruhrgebiet" indeed is a very special part of Germany to visit. You don't know were to start, visiting old industrial remains, old workers homes, there's so much culture around here! If you ever.....
Anonym hat gesagt…
Stunning photographs! I love the windmill and door handle shot. What a beautiful place, glad you had a wonderful holiday.
paula hat gesagt…
love the images and that windmill is gorgeous. you know that i like windmills :)
Ursula Achten hat gesagt…
@cruststation and Paula:

I like, how amazingly different these windmills can be, depending on where you are.
This small town was close to the river Rhein, which, on this part of Germany, has a very wide bed. It's very close to the Netherlands.
Sandra Monat hat gesagt…
oh ja, da war ich auch schon und hätte mir vorstellen können mich dort niederzulassen.
Catalina hat gesagt…
Beautful pictures Uschi!!!!!

what an eye!