ich mag diese wunderbaren riesigen Berge, die Gewitterwolken, und in unserem Haus, ganz oben, kann ich am offenen Fenster stehen und mich mittendrin fühlen. Es macht Spaß, mit der Kamera zuzusehen.
i love these wonderful mighty mountains, the thunderheads and inside our house on the highest floor I can stand to the open window and feel as if I where in the middle of them. It's so much fun to watch them with the camera.
Seit Wochen schon habe ich diese Kegel im Kopf...möchte unbedingt Papierkegel machen, dick und voluminös. Und hier ist der erste...und was ist er geworden.....ein Wolken-Kegel, passend zum Wetter ;))
For weeks now I think of cones......want to make paper-cones, round and voluminous. And here is the first one....and that's what it is...a clouds-cone, according to the weather ;))
i love these wonderful mighty mountains, the thunderheads and inside our house on the highest floor I can stand to the open window and feel as if I where in the middle of them. It's so much fun to watch them with the camera.
For weeks now I think of cones......want to make paper-cones, round and voluminous. And here is the first one....and that's what it is...a clouds-cone, according to the weather ;))
how high up are you? i look at the large image of the clouds and they seemed to be just right above my head. :).
...i've been thinking about what you said about being rooted...and wondering if it's possible to still be grounded and have the head in the clouds and fingers everywhere...?
rooted: your question sounds, like you would ask, if it is possible to be a tree....
Yes it is and I believe it is necessary to have strong roots, if you want to grow high and far!! Remember the trees: the single ones on big meadows have strong roots and a big crown and are able to stand the daily storms. Those in the forests don't have these large roots but can grow high, because the "group" gives them shelter!
If you spin this thread a while in your head there are so many relations between the life of trees and our life! I love that!
bin fasziniert über dein schaffen und deine inspiration.
herzliche grüsse
Ich mag den Namen "Wolkenkegel".
The cloud cones would look stunning as room decoration in a hanging mobile or so.
p.p.s. Uschi, you know i am learning some German words, thanks to your bilingual blog!