
Alle zwei Wochen treffe ich mich mit 5 Frauen zum Malen, meistens Aquarelle. Inzwischen schon seit 7 Jahren. Wir sechs wären uns bestimmt niemals im Leben über den Weg gelaufen,hätten wir nicht damals einen Malkurs zusammen besucht. Nach einem halben Jahr haben wir unsere Kursleiterin in die Wüste gejagt, da sie nicht wirklich an uns interessiert war und haben alleine weitergemalt uns gegenseitig geholfen und inspiriert. Inzwischen ist aus diesem völlig unterschiedlichen Haufen von Frauen ein wunderschöner Freundeskreis geworden. Ja...und malen tun wir auch.....

Every two weeks I meet 5 women and we paint together, mostly watercolours. It's 7 years, that we started. We six would surely never have met in life, if we hadn't taken classes together. After half a year we sent our teacher to the wilderness, because she wasn't really interested in us. We kept painting on our own helping and inspiring each other. Meanwhile this bunch of very different women has become a beautiful circle of friends. Yes....and we also paint....

Im Augenblick, versuche ich, Gesichter und Körper besser zu erfassen und umzusetzen...eine echte Aufgabe für mich!
Currently I train myself in faces and bodies...a real struggle to me!


julie hat gesagt…
how wonderful - such a shame i cant join you!!!!! I also have such a problem with people, bodies and faces!!
Anonym hat gesagt…
Lovely watercolours. I have to say, I've always found the medium quite difficult to work with but the works here are wonderful. Sounds like a lovely group of people.
Ursula Achten hat gesagt…
Hi cruststation, thanks! And: it IS difficult!! You have nearly no chance to correct something. so 70% goes to the bin....But I love it so much because of its lightness and transparency.
Anonym hat gesagt…
hi Uschi, i also been quietly looking at your work. been meaning to leave a comment about the last painting of the face here. something about it is so endearing to me. i keep coming back to it. do you have it on Flickr? i would like to add it to my collection of favorites.

also enjoying looking at the creative ways you are using paper! so cool that this site is bilingual.